ACES Basic Course (Tillamook)

This offering of the Oregon ACES Basic Certification course will be headed up by Gordon McCraw (WX7EM), Tillamook's Emergency Manager, along with Michael Soots (KD7YPY) and Gary Mahan (N7IS).

The course will be held at the Tillamook 911 center's conference room at  2311 3rd StRegistration is required, and there are still spots open.  Click here to sign up if you wish to attend.

Event Date: 
Friday, July 16, 2010 - 09:00
Saturday, July 17, 2010 - 09:00
Sunday, July 18, 2010 - 09:00
2311 3rd St, Tillamook, OR
Currently Registered: 
Click here to sign up for this offering!

Oregon ACES meets with State OEM

Oregon ACES has caught the eye of the Oregon State Office of Emergency Management (OEM). A program such as this has the potential to have a wide-scale positive impact on the people providing the backup emergency communications that OEM depends on in a disaster. At the request of the office, Daron N7HQR and Gordon WX7EM (Tillamook County EM and ARES EC) presented the details, status, and future of the program on May 21, 2010. OEM director Ken Murphy said that he thought the program looked encouraging and that it would be a resource for county emergency managers.

First "Train the Trainer" Session Held

Oregon ACES conducted their first "Train the Trainer" event this weekend. The purpose of the meeting was to cover all of the classroom material with the first batch of instructors, as well as go over guidelines and procedures for teaching the course. We had at least two instructors from each of Tillamook, Lincoln, and Washington counties that were able to dedicate over sixteen hours of their time to this process.

The process leaves us with a good batch of qualified instructors and we expect to announce some course offerings very soon!  

Advanced Certification Draft Published

The Advanced Certification draft outline has been published and is open for public comment.  You can help improve the quality and relevance of the material in the course by reviewing the draft and providing your feedback about what is good, bad, and missing.  Anyone from anywhere can submit feedback and we invite everyone to do so.


ACT2 will focus on interoperability and interaction between amateur radio operators and other groups.  Specifically, we will practice moving traffic between local CERT groups and public safety stations that are staffed by amateurs.  The relationship between these two volunteer public service groups is often described as an important part of a response plan, yet we rarely practice a large scale scenario that includes them both.

For the exercise, we will simulate a wide scale telephone system outage in key coastal areas, which results in an overloaded inland system as well.  CERT volunteers will be utilized to collect simulated damage assessments and citizen 911 calls and relay those over FRS/GMRS radio to an amateur radio communicator for delivery to the appropriate agency.

If you participated in ACT 2, please submit a participation report to receive your certificate and have your report included on the writeup on the website!
Event Date: 
Saturday, July 10, 2010 - 09:00
Currently Registered: 

A Successful ACT 1!

On Saturday, April 3rd 2010 at 0900 PDT several groups  across the state began to conduct the first Oregon ACES ACT exercise.  There were stations in at least three counties in Oregon, as well as several from outside the state, from as far away as Spokane, WA.  At the time of this writing, reports have been submitted showing at least 47 individual Amateur Operators participating in the exercise.  Read on for the rest of the story!

Oregon ACES obtains AC1ES callsign

Today, the FCC granted Oregon ACES the vanity club callsign of:


Technician License Class

ACES is sponsoring a free Technician License Class in Lincoln City, Friday, April 16 from 6-9pm and Saturday, April 17 from 8-5.  The course will cover everything you need to know to take the test, and will provide an examination opportunity at 5pm on Saturday.

The instructor is Daron Wilson, N7HQR.  All participants will receive an ACES Certificate of Participation if they pass the test.

Event Date: 
Friday, April 16, 2010 - 18:00
Currently Registered: 

ACES program is presented to OEMA

Daron Wilson (N7HQR) represented Oregon ACES today in a presentation to the Oregon Emergency Management Association (OEMA). He presented an overview of our program and directed the audience to the website for more information.  The presentation at the meeting has already generated some additional feedback on the basic course outline, adding to the growing list of emergency managers who have contributed to the project.

Presentation at SeaPac

There will be an Oregon ACES presentation at SeaPac on Saturday from 1300-1430 in the "Sea Mist" room.  Hope to see everyone there!

We will cover the details of the program, pass around some sample course materials, and of course announce dates and locations where you can take the class.

Event Date: 
Saturday, June 5, 2010 - 13:00
Seaside Convention Center - Sea Mist Room
Currently Registered: 
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